Integer Programming
all or nothing problem에서 사용
ex) knapsack problem → 아이템을 0.8개 넣을 수 없다
Requirements on selecting variables
At Least
at least
of variables among items 1, 3, 4:\(x_1 + x_3 + x_4 ≥ 1\)
At Most
at most
of variables among items 1, 3, 4:\(x_1 + x_3 + x_4 ≤ 2\)
select variable 1 or 2:
\(x_1 + x_2 ≥ 1\)
select 2 otherwise item 3 and 4 together:
\(2x_2 + x_3 + x_4 ≥ 2\)
if variable 1 is selected, then variable 2 is also selected:
\(x_1 ≤ x_2\)
if variable 1 is selected, do not select item 3 and 4:
\(2(1 - x_1) ≥ x_3 + x_4\)
At least/most some constraints
constraints를 유연하게 선택하는 방법
\(g_1(x) ≤ b_1\)과 \(g_2(x) ≥ b_2\)를 둘 다 만족하는 경우를 표현하려면 union으로 표현할 수 있다.
이는 linear program에 적합하지 않기 때문에 variable로 표현한다.
\[z = \begin{cases} 0 & \text{if } g_1(x) ≤ b_1 \\ 1 & \text{if } g_2(x) ≤ b_2 \end{cases}\]
이는 아래의 수식으로 표현할 수 있다
\[\begin{align} &g_1(x) - b_1 ≤ M_1z \\ &g_2(x) - b_2 ≤ M_2(1 - z) \end{align}\]
이때\(M_1\)과 \(M_2\)는 충분히 큰 상수이다.
일반적인 예시
Facility location problem
- where to open convenience stores?
- where to build warehouses or distribution centers?
- where to build factories?
- where to build power stations, fire stations, or police stations?
→ where to locate scarce resource?
demoand nodes potential locations
- set covering problem
- maximum covering problem
- fixed charge location problem
machine scheduling problem
production mode
- single machine serial production
- multiple parallel machines
- flow shop scheduling: all jobs must follow the same sequence
- job shop scheduling: each job has its own sequence
job splitting
- preemptive problem: 특정 작업을 중단하고 시급한 다른 작업을 수행한 후, 다시 돌아올 수 있음
- non-preemptive problem
performance measurement
- Makespan: 모든 작업이 끝나는 시간
- total completion time
- number of delayed jobs
- total lateness: completion time이 due time보다 앞서는 경우 negative lateness
- total tardiness: completion time이 due time보다 뒤에 있는 경우에만 completion time - due time, 그 외 0